While I was sitting posting things up on my Blog, I started to wonder why do people make movies and what is so important about opening sequences?
I came to conclusion that movies entertain, project a message, and are something which people can relate to visually. This then led me to think, what is the point of our film and our opening sequence?
Well our film projects those material things that can all be lost in an instant. The storyline hopefully makes the reason realise that in life there are more valuable things to prioritise. It shows how nasty the world can be; the world can use you, chew you, and spit you out. And the nasty mysterious man may seem bad but at a deeper level he is trying to help John see that what he is chasing for is worthless.
Money makes the world go round. But does it make the sun go up or down?
Does it make the season change? But does it save you from the inevitable race against death? Hopefully the story line of the man falling to the rock bottom will make the audience more conscience that there is more to life.
Moving on the opening, of the scene hopefully intrigues the reader. I want to give away clues which will in engage but not give the whole film away. The purpose of an opening is to entice the audience. Further more I want to establish the mysterious man as evil and a psycho when really he is the smartest and in crazy way trying to help john. So the audience gets a misconceived view of the mysterious man.
After thinking about this I have a clearer view of the underlined purpose of the whole project other than a media project. This will help more as a director to direct the actors to portray this and construct a meaningful opening.
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