Sunday, 7 March 2010

This was the final day when robert didn't attend again, i had to post this because it was only fair because i posted the two others.

The editors job in a film prduction

The editors job in a film production

The editor’s role in a film production is to organise the film footage recorded by selecting and erasing footage that has already been recorded. Then making a sequence of images and sounds which complement each other to give a particular effect, this is a work of art. The editor has to pick the best material this means that loads of the footage doesn’t get used this why the camera man has to do the same scenes several times, to give the editor more to work with.

Once the editor has the good pieces of material he has carefully chosen, he has to put them in order to make a timeline, then has to add various optical effects such as cuts, dissolves wipes and more, this stage of editing is very important because the optical effects and the order of the footage, play a massive part in making the audience forget they are watching a film production.

The editor then has to find suitable soundtrack, and effects to add the timeline and effects, the soundtrack will play a huge part in determining the mood of particular scenes, this can be used in many ways in the film Train spotting very jolly classical music is played when the main character is preparing stop taking drugs, and a voice over describes in a very vulgar way he is going to suffer immensely. This gives this is weird and unusual feeling but it reflects on the mind state of the character so gives the audience the right feeling at the right time.

Friday, 5 March 2010

editing in my free time